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Individual Labour Disputes Law Services in Korea

Indivual Labor Disputes

법무법인 인터렉스는 높은 전문성과 다양한 업무수행 경험을 바탕으로 ‘개별적 근로관계’에서 발생하는 여러 법률문제에 관하여 최고 수준의

법률서비스를 제공해 왔으며 고객들로부터 깊은 신뢰를 얻고 있습니다.


저희 인터렉스는 인사체계의 정립, 인사제도 개편, 최저임금·통상임금, 저성과자 관리, 각종 해고 분쟁 등 보상·평가·징계 관련 이슈 및 사내도급·불법파견·비정규직 문제는 물론 각종 계약서의 작성·검토까지 기업 운영 과정에서 직면하는 개별적 근로관계 영역 전반에 대한 해결책을 제시해 드립니다.

법무법인 인터렉스는 특히 사업구조조정 시 인력의 효율적 재편, 인력구조조정(경영해고/정리해고), 임금제도 개선 등 기업의 비용절감과

밀접한 이슈에 강점을 갖고 있으며, 최근 영국계 출판회사인 A社의 조직개편에 따른 인력재배치, 국내 S종합병원에 대한 임금피크제 자문 등

여러 관련 프로젝트를 성공적으로 수행한 경험이 있습니다.

기업 일선에서 천태만상으로 나타나는 근로관계 분쟁에 관하여 전문적이고 효과적인 해결책을 제시하는 일은 단순히 ‘법률 지식’만으로는

어렵습니다. 근로환경·기업생리에 대한 충분한 이해와 사람에 대한 깊은 관심 그리고 무엇보다 풍부한 경험이 뒷받침되어야 합니다.

저희 법무법인은 국내 대표 법률전문지인 Legal Times에서 최근 4년 연속으로 인사노무 분야 ‘Leading lawyer’로 선정된 대표변호사를 필두로 다양한 경력과 탁월한 전문성을 갖춘 구성원들이 포진하고 있습니다. 언제든지 법무법인 인터렉스의 문을 두드리시면 기업 특성과 근무 환경에 대한 철저한 분석을 바탕으로 현실적이고 유효한 솔루션을 찾아드리겠습니다.

Labour Disputes Law Services in Korea

Global/foreign corporate clients are often surprised or intimidated

by a totally different framework of Korean labor law and employment law regulations, as well as the uniqueness of the labor dispute resolution practice.

Recent changes in the political and social environment of Korea have also increased the frequency of employment related regulation changes and even the tendency of the local courts are changing every minute.


Thereby, both pinpointed accurate understanding of Korean labor laws as well as broad insight into diverse business environment and extensive experience are critical in achieving legal compliance with regards to operating business in Korea.


InterLEX is proud to be recognized the best labor and employment boutique law firm in Korea, with Leading Lawyers of the Korea leading the labor and employment team.


We provide authentic legal business solutions and Labour law consulting services in Korea unique employment issues in comprehensive manner, from the issues arising from the establishment and operation, recruitment, transfer, wages, performance management, termination and dismissal of employees, subcontract, dispatch and temporary employment, to the issues of liquidation, with outstanding performance history.


Our team of bilingual Korean attorneys create convenient, comfortable and insightful solutions for global clients of diverse needs, overcoming any barriers of language, regulations and cultures.

 Key Practice Areas

Individual employment issues in general,

such as recruitment and retirement, employment contract,

transfer, performance reviews, wage, compensation,

and disciplinary action (including termination)

Employment issues in establishment of companies,

M&A, business transfers or division of business

Dispatch, subcontract, and temporary employment issues


Management and improvement of personnel system in general

Reorganization of human resources

(including dismissals for managerial reasons

and voluntary retirement)

Efficient management of labor costs such as

performance management and improvement of wage system

Administrative proceedings and litigation

(civil claims, criminal allegations, administrative claims)

 Recent Engagements

- English publishing company O on relocation of manpower after reorganization

- Japanese electronic company T on improvement of illegal outsourcing

- Japanese industrial automation company O on work conditions after merger

- Japanese bank J on improvement of personnel systems

- Machinery company O on PIP(Performance Improvement Plan)

- Public institution K on new work-hours regulation

- Trade company P on operation of independent business sector

- Software company O on reorganization of the personnel system

- Hospital S on salary peak systems

- Hospital A on diagnosis of illegal outsourcing

- Airline A on the improvement of personnel regulation

- Energy company D diagnose on the discrimination of non-regular employees

- Logistic company H on litigation on discrimination of non-regular workers

- Automobile company H on illegal dispatch litigation

- American machinery company T on workplace harassment by internal investigation

- Bank K on sexual harassment by internal investigation

- European V chemical company on HR/ER consultation

- Japanese machinery H on minimum wage and management of criminal charges

- Japanese classification company C on managing criminal charges with regards to average wage

- Japanese consumer goods company Y on ordinary wage litigation

- Liquor dealer D on managing criminal charges concerning ordinary wage

- Automobile company H on ordinary dismissal litigation

- American E-Commerce company C on dismissal litigation

- Semiconductor company D on managerial dismissal litigation

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